In South Africa, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) introduced the auto-assessment process to streamline and simplify tax filing for individual taxpayers. The auto-assessment involves SARS pre-populating tax returns with data received from various third-party sources, such as employers, financial institutions, medical aid schemes, and retirem… Read More Banking DetailsThe agency is tasked with ensuring that social grants are distributed effectively and correctly to those who are eligible for them - and employing the correct banking details where suitable.Academic investigation has shown that they've not been wholly thriving in their purpose of effective and powerful social grant d… Read More

The education and learning landscape is evolving, and False Bay TVET College is in the forefront, recognizing that the traditional school design is not the only helpful means of studying. Their NCV programmes are made for students who want to start their journey towards a satisfying occupation early had a chat with the Head o… Read More